Why Should We Monitor Your Alarm

Did you know that business crime directly affects up to one third of UK businesses annually. With more and more burglaries being reported and in the news, protecting your business from crime has never been more important.

Don’t stop at just an alarm system, let us monitor your alarm system and it will provide you further protection 365 days a year.

Why should you have your alarm system monitored?

Faster Response Time

An average break-in takes approximately 3 to 5 minutes, which means the they can be in and out before you even know they have broken into your property. A monitored alarm provides a faster response through either our keyholding service or through a direct link to the police.

24 / 7 Protection

We’re on hand to monitor your alarm 24 hours a day, 7 days a week, 365 days a year, ensuring that your premise is protected at all times. If your business closes overnight and is left unoccupied, you can be assured that you will still be protected. Should your alarm be activated, who will hear it where your business is located? With a monitored system, you will be called should the system ever be activated.

Discounted Insurance Premiums

Some insurance companies see the benefits of monitoring your alarm, this has been known to reduce your yearly premium. Contact your insurer to see how much you could save by having your intruder alarm monitored.

Call our team on 01733 304029 to find out more about the monitoring services we offer. Don’t let your business or home be part of the burglary statistics we see year on year.

    What Should You Do If You’ve Been Burgled?

    Being burgled isn’t just devastating because your belongings have been stolen, it’s also very inconvenient and distressing when it comes to having to deal with the aftermath. We’ve put together a few steps together to ensure you’ve done everything necessary following your property being broken in to:

    1. Call the Police immediately – You may do this without even thinking but would you know which number to call? The Police recommend you call 101 to report the burglary OR 999 if you think the burglar is still in your property. In this instance, use your mobile or nip to your neighbour’s and use their phone.
    2. Don’t touch or disturb anything – You may want to start putting your property back to how it should be but the Police will want to evaluate the scene and take forensic evidence where possible. A Crime Scene Investigator will look for fingerprints and other signs of the offender so try not to move or touch anything before they have been.
    3. Contact your bank and credit card company – Cancel all cards immediately. If you do this straight away, there is a chance you could get your money back should the burglar have used them.
    4. Change your locks and repair any damaged doors or windows – A huge percentage of burglars enter through your front door. Check whether any door, window or even garage door keys have gone missing; it may be that the burglars come back for a second helping and finish what they had started!
    5. Make a thorough list of any items stolen or damaged – The Police will need this list to try to recover your items. It may help to walk through each room and systematically think of what was in that room. The more detail and description of each item, the better your chances of their safe return.Try and find any receipts for any serial or model numbers to possibly prompt your memory.
    6. Get in touch with your insurance company – Your insurers will ask lots of questions about the incident, as well as require the list of stolen items. They will also want your crime or reference number that you were given by the Police so make sure you have this to hand.
    7. Take photos – Take photos of everything you think may be necessary and work as evidence should the Police need any.

    Get in touch today and increase your security before you get to the stage of having to go through the above steps. Having visible security around your property acts as a deterrent to criminals, greatly reducing your risk of being targeted in the first place!

      Is your home holiday ready?

      If you’re anything like us, we work hard all year round for that all important break away, whether it be abroad or taking advantage of the beautiful locations we have in and around the UK. But while you’re away relaxing, taking in the sights or just taking advantage of spending time with friends and family, it can lead to huge upset and major costs if your home is a target for a burglary.

      Below is our checklist, which we always go through when we’re leaving home for a trip away, whether it be for just a few days or a full 2 weeks:

      Home Security Checklist

      Intruder Alarm System

      Ensure your intruder alarm system is up to date on it’s servicing and in full working order. If you’ve not already got an intruder alarm installed at your home, prior to going away is always a good time to get one fitted which will automatically reduce your chances of being targeted.

      Monitoring Services

      Add our monitoring service to your intruder alarm system and let us know when you’ll be going away. We’ll keep an eye on your home and alarm system through our central station, making your nominated and authorised contacts aware of any problems such they arise while you’re away.

      Use timers

      It’s always a simple one, but it’s so easily forgotten until you’re bags are sitting waiting and you’re walking out of the door but setting up lights in various rooms on timers so you’re home doesn’t stand in complete darkness in the evenings.

      Post and Deliveries

      Put any post or deliveries on hold until you’re home or ask a relative or neighbour to collect it for you. A build up of post or your letter box overflowing shows you’ve not been home for a while.

      Lock all doors and windows

      A bit of common-sense tells you to lock doors and windows when you’re away from home but you’d be surprised how many people leave windows unlocked and and even more surprisingly, they leave their home without locking their doors!

      Don't announce your holiday plans

      With over 3 billion active social media users around the World, we really have made using platforms such as Facebook, Twitter and Instagram a way of life. But did you ever think that you would be advertising your home on social media to criminals and burglars while you’re enjoying your holiday?

      By posting on social media where you’re having an amazing time with the family, the beautiful sights you’ve seen that day or the spectacular food you’ve been consuming, you’ve telling the World that your home is empty and available to be burgled. Don’t post on social media about your holiday until you’re home!

      Add more security measures to your home.

      The Absolut intruder alarm and CCTV systems are all accessible from your phone or tablet, allowing you to keep a close eye on your home while you're away enjoying your holiday.

      15% Off All New and Upgraded Intruder Alarm Systems

      We’ve got a huge 15% off Intruder Alarm Systems, whether you need a brand new system because you’ve haven’t got one in place or if you would like to upgrade your existing system.

      We’ve got lots of additional options, from being able to view, monitor and maintain your system from your phone, have panic buttons that are connected to the police and even linking other systems such as your smoke alarms or CCTV.

      Get in touch today and find out how you can not only make your home safer and more secure but give you even more piece of mind.

        Net2 Entry Systems

        Net2 Entry Systems

        Here at Absolut Security we are now installing Networked Paxton Net2 Entry Systems. Access Control includes Video Entry Systems, Proximity Cards all in one unit.

        This is one we installed recently into an Academy.

        We have a few Academies in Peterborough and Cambridge area that are using this system now.

        If you would like more information on this product just contact us.